Monday, August 20, 2007

love "perfection"

suatu kata yang sangat sulit dijelaskan apa maksudnya...
gimana ngukurnya....

malah kadang....
ada yg bilang...

"untuk jadi sempurna sesuatu harus juga mempunyai ketidaksempurnaan...."
"perfection require imperfection included..."

( aku sih yg bilang, blom pernah denger orang lain mengatakan ini... ( ato aku kurang baca2 kali ya ??? ) :p

ini dari kamus google,define: perfection

  • the state of being without a flaw or defect
  • paragon: an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept
  • the act of making something perfect

  • Perfection
    is a state of flawlessness. Something is called perfect when it has no
    flaws, or when it comes very close to this ideal.

  • An action that has to be taken before a security interest is secured.

  • and if its combined with word "love......"
    how can you ever can describe it ???
    jelasin suatu ketidakjelasan atas suatu ketidakjelasan ???

    makin sulit kan ???

    but any way....
    its happen to me....
    and might be not only me....

    I have one "perfect" definition for my love...
    for the one I love...
    and I'm sticky on in...

    Love shows me...
    the most perfect love that I've got till now is come from the imperfect one (my perspective)...
    but actually I confident that I can give her perfect love from imperfect me......

    the one that I saw as perfect one .....
    can't show me the perfect love.......
    (once again,... in my perspective )

    so ???
    what do you think ???
    how can you understand a "love perfection" ???

    differ from mind logic....
    heart have different system to valuate a things
    it is a value....
    but we can't compare it....
    we can't measure it....
    we only can feel it...

    we cant live only with heart..
    but cant only logic also....

    and in what level its made a change ???

    my answer is "our believes"....

    you ???

    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    I'll be arround

    I'll be arround
    adalah status YM favoritku...
    status ini udah sering kupasang waktu di kmpus...
    sebenernya waktu pertama ku buat
    status itu tertuju ke seseorang...
    untuk membuat dia comfort aja selama dia di kampus atau online...
    ( lagian gimana pun juga, aku emang berada di sekitar dia juga )

    saat masa itu udah lewat....
    aku masih sering make status itu untuk mengatakan "I'll be arround" untuk orang lain...
    tapi sepertinya yg baru ini ga begitu ngerti apa maksudnya....
    dan dia malah mikir risih....

    jelas ga ada maksud untuk membuat dia ga nyaman....

    yg jelas aku yakin

    kalimat itu akan bermakna comforting kalau diterima dengan perasan sayang dan disayangi....
    tapi bisa juga akan berbentuk ancaman kalau dianggap musuh.....


    kalimatnya simple....
    tapi efeknya boleh juga

    so thats why its become my favorite status....
    even I rarely use it anymore, soalnya emang lagi ga ada yg ingin kukirimi pesan ini dengan maksud untuk mbuat dia comfort....

    dan spertinya hanya dia yg mengerti......

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